Teaching Excellence

Faculty level teaching excellence awards is carried out annually at all faculties including Centre for Pre-University Studies

The aims of the initiative are to...

  • recognise and reward the significant contribution made by faculty members in enhancing the quality of learning and teaching
  • promote and support the highest quality teaching and learning in the university
  • increase the visibility of the university in the area of teaching and learning

The Awards

There are 5 categories to be awarded to faculty members who have shown outstanding achievements in teaching as listed below. The Awards is open once a year, whether in Semester 1 or Semester 2 for a current academic year.

Faculty level teaching excellence awards is following the current academic calendar 2021/2022.

Evaluators at faculty level has to be Dean, Deputy Dean (Undergraduate), Deputy Dean (Student Affairs and Alumni), Deputy Dean (Research and Commercialization) and Deputy Dean (Industry and Community Engagement).

Photo Gallery | Teaching Excellence System | MAGU | Webinar Series

Useful Resources

Nominees are advised to refer to the following resources when preparing the nomination portfolio:

Preparing Your Portfolio

Your nomination portfolio should document the project/initiative for the selected award by focusing on the following:
  • Description of the project/iniative (E.g. Task sheets, rubrics, flow of implementation)
  • Evidences of implementation (E.g. Photos, videos, logs)
  • Students' Feedback and Evaluation - students' evaluation of your project/initative/approach
  • Evidences of Impact on Students - Refer to Impact and Engagement Reporting tab

Teaching Philosophy Statement

The teaching philosophy statement is where nominees can express their teaching and educational leadership beliefs, why they hold these beliefs, and how they put them into practice. The statement is an important opportunity for the adjudicators to hear the nominee’s own voice. Philosophy statements should be written in first-person and genuinely reflect nominees' beliefs. Claims made in the philosophy statement should be substantiated in other parts of the dossier and aligned with evidence throughout.

Semester 2 Session 2019/2020

The Teaching Excellence Unit, CALM is proud to present excellent projects/initiatives from fellow academicians, showcasing their projects or approaches in T&L for courses that they taught in Semester 2, 2019/2020. Summarisation of various approaches and innovative practices integrating technology from different disciplines to engage and enhance students’ learning were shared.

Further information on their respective project/initiative can be found in the upcoming compendium that is planned to be published by CALM soon via UNIMAS Publisher.

May this short writing be beneficial to all readers

Award Recipients Semester 2 Session 2019/2020

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