Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
As an effort to improve the teaching practice and student learning of the university, CALM would like to introduce the UNIMAS scholarship of teaching and learning (UNIMAS SoTL) to all academics. The scholarship of teaching and learning or SoTL integrates teaching, learning and research with the intent to improve teaching and learning in a variety of disciplines as well as to expand the body of knowledge about teaching and learning in higher education.
In 1990, Ernest L. Boyer, who helped to shape American education as Chancellor of the State University of New York and as President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching viewed the scholarship of teaching as an important academic endeavour to inspire future scholars in the classroom. He redefined the restricted view of scholarship that mainly focuses on basic research to include four separate yet interrelated areas: (i) the scholarship of discovery (acquiring knowledge through disciplined investigation), (ii) the scholarship of integration (acquiring knowledge through synthesis of isolated knowledge into larger context), (iii) the scholarship of application (acquiring knowledge by relating the theories of research to the realities of life) and (iv) the scholarship of teaching (acquiring knowledge on how to make disciplinary knowledge accessible to learners through teaching). Boyer believed the fourth area, now better known as SoTL, is a vital area of scholarship besides the traditional research endeavours. Today, SoTL is recognised by worldwide universities and practised by their academics as systematic, deliberate inquiry into how to improve teaching and students' learning in the specific disciplines that they were trained in as well as to share the scholarship with others.
In line with this, UNIMAS recognises SoTL as a scholarly activity and supports SoTL as a means to move a step forward to achieve excellence in education and training. CALM is pleased to announce that the UNIMAS SoTL Grant for the year 2018 is now open for application to provide funding for SoTL projects. SoTL Grant is a university-funded research grant and is managed by CALM.
What is SoTL?
The scholarship of teaching and learning or SoTL integrates teaching, learning and research with the intent to improve teaching practice and student learning in a variety of disciplines as well as to expand the body of knowledge about teaching and learning in higher education. UNIMAS has given priority to SoTL as a means to recognise teaching as a scholarly activity and to achieve excellence in education and training.
- Opening Remarks by UNIMAS Vice Chancellor
- Infusing SoTL Into Curriculum Development
- The Value of SoTL While Setting Up a New Medical College
- Evidencing Your Achievement Through An Inquiry Approach to Teaching
- SoTL for a Holistic Educational Development
- The Current Situation of Faculty Development in Japanese Universities: an Overview of SoTL Projects
- Supporting SoTL as an Interdisciplinary Undertaking: A Reflection on Collaborative Endeavors