Our Vision
To be a leader in cultivating excellence and innovation in teaching and learning through technological integration and quality professional development opportunities.
Our Mission
- To promote a teaching and learning culture which breeds the best of scholarship,
- To encourage the development of teaching as a profession and a scholarly activity and
- To nurture collaborative links among various learning communities at the university
Know us better...
Since 1998, the Centre has grown bigger in human resources. As of now, there are 6 academicians as Director, Deputy Director and Coordinators with 20 supporting staffs to strengthen the Centre's core business and services. Without these people, the Centre could not achieve what you see today.
Life in CALM
We have a profound commitment to the diversity of our community and are focused on creating an environment where you can thrive. Through our wide array of programs and services, we provide opportunities and experiences that build community, help you grow personally and professionally, and create a place that you can call home now and throughout your life.
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Teaching and Learning Support Unit (T&L Support) is responsible for providing and managing facilities for teaching and learning (Seminar Rooms and Lecture Halls) as well as managing and providing teaching equipment for lecture rooms, tutorial rooms, and lecture halls. T&L Support also has limited teaching and learning equipment for use other than the regular academic needs, both on and off campus on an ad hoc basis.
All teaching and learning rooms and equipment at CALM are also available for rent. Interested parties, please contact jirman@unimas.my
All teaching and learning rooms and equipment at CALM are also available for rent. Interested parties, please contact jirman@unimas.my